Your Electrician + Our Expertise = Perfect Solar Solutions

Welcome to Bask’s Product Store, your one-stop-shop for innovative solar energy solutions that’ll make your life greener, and more sustainable and your wallet heavier. Our high-quality inverters and batteries are the rockstars of the solar world, helping you reduce energy consumption, save costs, and lower your carbon footprint. No more pesky energy bills and you’re helping save the planet. It’s a win-win.

Revolutionize your energy storage

Introducing the BYD Premium LV BMU – the ultimate control unit for your BYD Battery-Box Premium LV system. With advanced technology and user-friendly controls, this BMU delivers unparalleled performance and efficiency, ensuring your energy storage system operates safely and smoothly.


Safe & Secure

To Your Door


Showing 1–6 of 12 results

Take Back Your Power With Our Tailormade Solutions.

Use solar energy to power your home and reduce your dependency on the grid. Take control of your monthly electricity bill. Learn more about your potential savings.


Ask Us

We guarantee that our solution will meet your needs within the constraints of your budget and the technical capacity of the installation. We won’t sell you something that won’t work, even if it means we have to walk away from the project. We value honesty over profit.

We’re not just about selling products; we’re about providing solutions. We advise on ways to reduce consumption, implement systems that shift consumption to periods of maximum PV generation, and even monitor consumption after installation to ensure maximum efficiency. We’re like a personal energy coach but without the whistle.

We work with our financing partners, to offer both residential and commercial financing options. Because let’s be real, we all need a little help sometimes. Except for that one guy who bought Bitcoin in 2010.

Our PV systems can be tracked using the manufacturer’s app or desktop software. We’ll even help you set it up because we’re nice like that. And if you don’t have internet, we have an IT partner who can sort you out because we don’t want you to feel left out of the internet party.